Now don't get me wrong, my other 2 boys are little blessings as well. The difference between my older two and Max is that for the first time, I have been home with him 24/7 through all of those big developmental milestones. It has been more work than I ever thought possible. It is THE-HARDEST-JOB in the world! However, it is also the most rewarding. I worked as a nurse full time with the older two, and will probably need to do so again in the future, but I'm eating up this opportunity with gusto!
Max is the busiest little boy and he is a scavenger!
I cannot keep him out of my pantry! I don't want to put a child lock on my new cabinets, so it's my own fault. His favorite snack is crackers of any kind! Wheat Thins are his personal favorite.
I am constantly cleaning up crumbs and anything else he can get his hands on. Aaaargh! Yesterday I caught him with chocolate smeared all over his face, hands, and the pantry door, and discovered he had broken into the Hershey's Kisses stash. He had about 3 kisses, foil wrappers and all, stuffed into his mouth!
Besides constantly eating,(only what he wants, of course)he is always on the move. He is up and down the stairs to the play room in the basement and primarily responsible for the mess that room is constantly in. If I clean it up and put things away, it is an open invitation for him to dive in and drag EVERY.SINGLE.TOY all over the room again.:) At least he is good at entertaining himself most of the time!
I love this little stink, as I affectionately call him! My baby boy is the best! Of course, I might be a little biased...hehehehehe. Better go, I hear wrappers crinkling in the pantry!
I want you to post a video of his gorilla crawl. Katie says it's darling. So cute, you're boys will never be mistaken for anything other than brother's and mini-Byron's. :)